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Activity Details

SNSPS, Yamuna Nagar 05-Sep-2022

Title: Teacher's day - Sant Nischal Singh Public School


Teachers are the backbone of a country as they are the ones who nurture and foster the future of country with their passion, proclivity and perseverance.

To accord a heartfelt tribute to the teaching community, a beautiful function was organized in Sant Nischal Singh Public School, Yamunanagar on the auspicious occasion of Teacher Day.

The august presence of School Chairman Dr. Waryam Singh ji and Secretary Dr. Rupinder Singh made the function more glorious and graceful. Chairman Sir extended heartiest felicitations to all teachers and motivated them to keep themselves abreast with the latest teaching techniques in order to realize their duty as facilitators of learning in the most rational, realistic and remarkable way.

School Secretary Dr Rupinder Singh designated Teacher Day as Real Guru Purnima.He eulogised ancient Indian teaching-learning culture that always epitomised Spirit of Questioning.He motivated all teachers to cultivate a high degree of competence and commitment so that they are able to nurture the Spirit of Questioning among their students in the best possible mode.He stressed on the utmost need of procuring a par-excellence teaching-learning ambience that has the guts and grit to tap the hidden potential of students,kindling their curiosity quotient to a phenomenal level.He concluded with the statement that the professional acumen of a teacher is assessed on the basis that in her/his class,students are always curious to ask lots of questions, instead of being passive recipients ,they are always the active participants in the process of learning.

The exuberant event to spanned a mesmerizing dance performance, a thought provoking skit and touching speeches by students appreciating the sincerity, hard work and affection of their teachers.

School Principal Mrs. Sarit Kaur extended her heartfelt felicitations to all teachers and administered the oath of doing their duty with sincerity and honesty.

The ceremony was concluded with a delicious lunch and an exchange of pleasantries among Management and staff members.

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" Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow "